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发布时间:2024-10-21 22:06:01

本文摘要:Sex changes the brain and it is different for men and women.研究找到:初夜不会转变男人大脑结构Losing your virginity really could be life-changing. Having sex apparently alters the structure of the brain in men, at least.丧失处子之身显然不会转变你的人生。

Sex changes the brain and it is different for men and women.研究找到:初夜不会转变男人大脑结构Losing your virginity really could be life-changing. Having sex apparently alters the structure of the brain in men, at least.丧失处子之身显然不会转变你的人生。初尝禁果不会明显地转变人的大脑结构最少对男人是如此。

A Japanese study of tiny spines that occur between brain cells revealed virgin male rats to have far more of them than more sexually experienced counterparts.日本的一项对于脑细胞间微小脊髓的组织的研究说明了,处男老鼠比起那些有过性经验的老鼠有更加多这种脊髓的组织。This implies the spines drive sex for the first time and then they shrink or disappear. It may one day be possible to create a pill for humans that increases the growth of spines. This could help boost libido, New Scientist reports.这意味著这种脊髓的组织促成老鼠再次发生了首度性行为,并在初夜过后变低或消失。《新的科学家》报告称之为,将来有一天可能会发明者出有一种能令这种脊髓的组织减少的药丸,为人类服务。

这种药丸将有助提高性欲。Stuart Tobet, a neuroscientist in the US, said the studies provide a glimpse into how changes in the structure of spines contribute to the ability to display sexual behaviours in rats and perhaps by extrapolation, to other mammals, including humans.美国神经学家斯图亚特纳比特说道,这些研究让人们需要一睹大脑脊髓结构的转变对于老鼠性能力的影响,这种影响或许可以引及还包括人类在内的其他哺乳动物。Once their mission is achieved, the spines are no longer needed and so shrink or disappear.一旦这种脊髓的组织的愿景已完成了,它们就仍然被必须,因而也就增加或消失了。

What is more, the microscopic spines may also affect mens early sexual encounters, this weeks New Scientist reports.而且,据《新的科学家》本周的报导,这种微小的脊髓的组织还不会影响男人的早期性行为。It was already known that several brain regions linked to sexual behaviour differ in size between the sexes in humans and other animals.现在早已得知人类和其他动物的几个和性行为涉及的大脑区域在两性之间不存在着大小之差。To find out whether an area known to be bigger in males was altered by having sex, the Saitama University researchers compared the brains of male rats who had never had sex before with their more experienced cage-mates.为了查明性行为否不会转变男性较小的这块大脑区域,埼玉大学的研究人员将从未有过性生活的雄性老鼠和有过性经验的雄性老鼠的大脑做到了较为。

They found that the number of brain spines was significantly lower in the non-virgins.他们找到,非处老鼠的这种大脑脊髓的组织的数量显著比处男老鼠要较低。Researcher Shinji Tsukahara says the decrease in spines may have been caused by a number of factors, including hormonal changes triggered by the presence of a female.研究人员冢原慎司说,脊髓的组织的增加有可能是由多种因素引发的,还包括雌性经常出现引起的荷尔蒙的转变。He said that the spines may serve as a one-way road to learn how to mate and once used they are no longer needed.他说道,脊髓的组织或许是自学如何性交的单行道,一旦被用于过,它们就仍然被必须。

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