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研究发现 婴儿在出生时就会记住母语【凯发·k8(国际) - 官方网站·一触即发】

发布时间:2024-10-15 22:06:01

本文摘要:Babies build knowledge about the language they hear even in the first few months of life, research shows.一项研究表明,婴儿在生命最初的几个月里就创建了关于他们所听见的语言的科学知识。

Babies build knowledge about the language they hear even in the first few months of life, research shows.一项研究表明,婴儿在生命最初的几个月里就创建了关于他们所听见的语言的科学知识。If you move countries and forget your birth language, you retain this hidden ability, according to a study.一项研究指出,如果你搬了别的国家,记得了你的母语,你仍保有着这个隐蔽的能力。

Dutch-speaking adults adopted from South Korea exceeded expectations at Korean pronunciation when retrained after losing their birth language.从韩国领养的讲荷兰语的成年人,在经过训练后,说出的韩语近超强预期,尽管他们早就记得了母语。Dr Jiyoun Choi of Hanyang University in Seoul led the research.来自釜山汉阳大学的崔姬妍博士领导了该研究。The study is the first to show that the early experience of adopted children in their birth language gives them an advantage decades later even if they think it is forgotten, she said.她回应,这项研究首次指出,被领养的孩子的母语早期经验对于他们后天再行自学不会有优势,即使他们指出早已被消逝了。This finding indicates that useful language knowledge is laid down in the very early months of life, which can be retained without further input of the language and revealed via re-learning, she told BBC News.她在拒绝接受BBC专访时回应:“这个找到指出,在生命的最初几个月,简单的语言科学知识早已创建一起,可以在没语言的更进一步输出的情况下保有,并通过重新学习苏醒。

”Try to talk to your babies as much as possible because they are absorbing and digesting what you are saying.“尽量多的与你的孩子聊天,因为他们不会消化和吸取你所说的话。

本文关键词:凯发一触即发(中国区)官方网站,凯发·k8(国际) - 官方网站·一触即发


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